We hope you are all well.
We are finally in Fase 2, and that means that little by little we are getting closer to the “new normality”.
We are nearly finishing this school year and again we have to say we are proud of you because you are working a lot doing all the English activities. Congratulations!
Here you are this week’s proposal:
1st level:
This week it’s story time again. The last story time of this school year!
We are going to review the vocabulary about parts of the house and food through two stories.
Then you can do two worksheets.
I hope you enjoy them!
I’ve prepared a Breakout, a final challenge in English where you will find some missions to overcome if you want to get a fantastic reward: a fantastic diploma!
When you get the reward you can take a picture of you and the diploma and send it to me by email or share it on the school's twitter account, in order to let me know that you have done
this task.
this task.
I hope you will enjoy this activity!
Kisses and hugs!
Carmina and Irene
Hola nens i nenes!
Esperem que continueu bé.
Finalment estem ja en Fase 2 i això significa que ens anem apropant a la “nova normalitat!
Estem acabant el curs escolar i us hem de tornar a dir que estem molt contentes i orgulloses de tot el que esteu treballant. Felicitats campions i campiones!
Les propostes per aquesta setmana són les següents:
Aquesta setmana és la darrera setmana de l’Story Time!
Aquesta setmana és la darrera setmana de l’Story Time!
Aprofitarem per repassar vocabulari de les parts de la casa i del menjar a través d’aquestes dues històries: The old house i Dinner Time.
Deprés de cada història podeu fer una fitxa interactiva.
Espero que us ho passeu bé!
L’activitat d’aquesta setmana és un Breakout que consisteix en anar superant diverses missions (tot el que heu après aquest any us serà molt útil) per aconseguir una recompensa: un diploma pel vostre treball realitzat i que certifica que el curs vinent podreu passar a 3r curs.
Quan aconseguiu la recompensa, podeu posar-vos al costat de l’ordinador o tablet i enviar una foto vostra o compartir-la al compte de twitter de l'escola, amb el diploma per tal que vegi que heu superat totes les missions!
Al bloc podeu deixar els vostres comentaris sobre què us ha semblat l’activitat. Espero que us agradi molt!
Al bloc podeu deixar els vostres comentaris sobre què us ha semblat l’activitat. Espero que us agradi molt!
Ja sabeu que ens encanta llegir els vostres comentaris al bloc.
Petons i abraçades,
Carmina i Irene
Hello Irene! Soc el Biel Perez!! Ho he aconseguit!!!! Tinc el certificat!!! Kisses!!!
ResponEliminaHello Biel!
EliminaCongratulations! You've worked hard and that's why you got your diploma!
Has treballat molt i t'has esforçat moltíssim i per això has aconseguit el diploma, FELICITATS!
T'envio un petó enorme i una forta abraçada!
Kisses and hugs!
Hello teacher!!! Soc Adrian.
ResponEliminaHa sigut molt divertit! He disfrutat molt i he aconseguit el diploma!!!!
Aixi que ens veiem a 3r.
A Big hug.
Hello Adrian!
EliminaI'm glad you liked the challenge! You have worked a lot this school year and that's why you got the diploma. Congratulations!
M'alegra saber que t'ho has passat bé fent el repte d'aquesta setmana. Has demostrat haver treballat molt durant tot el curs i per això has aconseguit el diploma. Ens veiem a tercer!
See you next school year!
T'envio un petó enorme i una forta abraçada!
Kisses and hugs!
Hello Irene!
ResponEliminaI'm Jordi. Ho he aconseguit. tinc el diploma!!Cap a 3er!!
Kisses and hugs.
Good morning Jordi!
EliminaYou have done great work all the school year, so you got the diploma to the next level. Congratulations!
Durant tot el curs has treballat molt i per això has aconseguit el diploma per anar a 3r, enhorabona!!! Ens veiem el proper curs!
See you next school year!
T'envio un petó enorme i una forta abraçada!
Kisses and hugs!
Hello Irene!
ResponEliminaI'm Roc Reig.M'ha agradat molt aquesta activitat i anar superant les proves ha estat molt divertit i he aconseguit el diploma!!Cap a 3er!!
Kisses and hugs.
Hello Roc!
EliminaI'm happy to know that it has been fun to overcome the missions. You got the diploma because throughout the school year you have worked a lot. Congratulations!
M'alegra saber que t'ha agradat molt l'activitat i t'ho has passat bé superant les diferents missions. Ens veiem el proper curs!
See you next school year!
T'envio un petó enorme i una forta abraçada!
Kisses and hugs!
Hello Irene, me divertit molt fent els deures, he aconseguit el diploma.
ResponEliminaKisses and hugs.
Hello Edgar!
EliminaI'm glad to know you had fun doing the challenge. You have worked a lot in all the English activities so that's why you got the diploma! Congratulations!
Estic contenta de saber que t'ho has passat bé fent la tasca d'avui. A totes les classes d'anglès, i aquests mesos des de casa, has treballat molt i per això has pogut aconseguir el diploma. Felicitats!
T'envio un petó enorme i una forta abraçada!
Kisses and hugs!
Hola soy la nayara yo también he conseguido mi diploma y me he entretenido mucho
ResponEliminaRecuerdos para todos
Hello Nayara!
EliminaI'm happy to know you had fun with this week's activity! You have worked a lot and you have done all the English activities, that's why you got your diploma. Congratulations!
Estic contenta de saber que t'ho has passat bé fent l'activitat d'aquesta setmana. Durant aquests mesos has treballat molt i has fet totes les activitats d'anglès, per això has aconseguit el teu diploma. Felicitats!!
T'envio un petó enorme i una forta abraçada!
Kisses and hugs!
Hello Irene!!!
ResponEliminaJa tinc el meu diploma, estic súper happy !!!!!
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Hello Quim!!
EliminaCongratulations!!! You've worked a lot doing all the English activities, that's why you got the diploma. Great job!
Felicitats!! Has treballat molt fent totes les activitats d'anglès i per això has aconseguit aquest diploma!
T'envio un petó enorme i una forta abraçada!
Kisses and hugs!
Hola soc la Maria Carrillo
ResponEliminaHe fet el bloc i he conseguir el diploma. Estic molt contenta.
Hi Maria!
EliminaI'm also happy to know you got the diploma. You have worked a lot in all the English lessons and also at home, that's why you got the diploma! Congratulations!
Estic contenta de saber que has aconseguit el diploma. Has demostrat ser molt treballadora tant a l'escola com a casa i per això l'has aconseguit. Felicitats!!
T'envio un petó enorme i una forta abraçada!
Kisses and hugs!
Hellow Irene, ja he fet l'activitat i he aconseguit el diploma.
ResponEliminaSee you in third!!!!!
Hello Biel!
EliminaYou got your diploma because you have worked a lot and you have done all the activities. Congratulations!
Com que has treballat molt i has fet totes les activitats, has pogut aconseguir el diploma, felicitats!! Ens veiem el proper curs!
See you next school year!
T'envio un petó enorme i una forta abraçada!
Kisses and hugs!
Hello my name is Iria. I have seen the videos and I have done the activities,they have been cool.
ResponEliminaHello Iria!
EliminaI'm glad you think the activities are cool!
Well done!
A big hug and kisses
Hello Irene soc la Emma
ResponEliminal'activitat a estat molt xula i em divertit molt.També he aconseguit el diploma!
Hi Emma!
EliminaI'm happy to know you had fun doing the English challenge. You have worked a lot at school and also at home, that's why you got the diploma. Congratulations!
Que bé que t'hagis divertit fent el repte d'anglès! Has treballat molt tant a l'escola com a casa, i per això has aconseguit el teu diploma, felicitats!
T'envio un petó enorme i una forta abraçada!
Kisses and hugs!
Hello Irene, son el Jan, m'ha agradat molt Fer aquests deures, ha estar molt divertits.
Good morning Jan!
EliminaI'm happy to know you had fun and you enjoyed the activity.
You have worked a lot at home and also at school, that's why you got the diploma. Congratulations!
Estic contenta de que t'ho hagis passat bé fent aquesta activitat.
Has aconseguit el diploma perquè has treballat molt a casa i també a l'escola. Felicitats!
T'envio un petó enorme i una forta abraçada!
Kisses and hugs!
Hola, soc la <carlota. he mirat els vídeos i he fet les fitxes
Hello Carlota!
EliminaGood job!!
A big hug and kisses
Hola sóc la Berta. he mirat els vídeos i he fet les fitxes.
ResponEliminaFins aviat!!
Hello Berta!
EliminaWell done!
A big hug and kisses
Hi Irene, how are you? I am Iker Carbelo, I am fine, I have reviewed the activities and I have overcome it, I am very happy, my mother then sends it to you by mail, many kisses, goodbye.
ResponEliminaHello Iker!
EliminaI'm glad to know you are fine and I'm also happy because you got your diploma. You are working a lot at home and you also worked at school, that's why you got your diploma. Congratulations!
Estic contenta de saber que estàs bé i perquè has aconseguit el diploma, gràcies al treball que estàs fent a casa i el que feies a escola. Felicitats!
T'envio un petó enorme i una forta abraçada!
Kisses and hugs!
Hello Irene, I am Aleix Ribes !!!! Ja he aconseguit el diploma. M'ha agradat molt els exercicis i m'ho he passat molt bé. Kisses!!!!
ResponEliminaGood morning Aleix!
EliminaI'm happy to know you had fun doing the challenge and completing the different missions.
You got your diploma because you are working a lot at school and you also did it at home, so... Congratulatios!
Estic contenta de saber que t'ho has passat bé resolent les diferents missions per aconseguir el teu diploma. I l'has aconseguit gràcies al teu treball tant a casa com a l'escola, felicitats!
T'envio un petó enorme i una forta abraçada!
Kisses and hugs!
Hello Irene!!!! I'm Jana. M'ha encantat l'activitat i he aconseguit el diploma per anar a3r, t'envio la foto.
ResponEliminaSee you in third grade!!!! Happy summer for all!!!
Good morning Jana!
EliminaI'm glad to know you had fun doing this week's activity.
Congratulations for your diploma. You got it thanks to your work at school and also at home.
Great job!
Que bé que t'hagi agradat tant l'activitat :)
Felicitats pel teu diploma, l'has aconseguit gràcies al teu treball a l'escola i a casa.
T'envio un petó enorme i una forta abraçada! Ens veiem el proper curs!
See you next school year!
Kisses and hugs!
Good morning! I'm Aarón Mejías... He fet avui les misions i he aconseguit el meu diploma. Ha estat molt divertit. La foto l'enviarà la mama a la nit a la Irene.
ResponEliminaAbraçades virtuals. Aarón Mejías
Hello Aarón!
EliminaI'm glad to know you had fun doing the challenge.
I've already seen your picture with the diploma. Great job! You got it thanks to the work you did at school and also at home. Congratulations!
Estic contenta de saber que t'ho has passat bé resolent el repte. He vist la teva foto. Ben fet!
El diploma l'has aconseguit gràcies al teu treball a l'escola i també a casa. Felicitats!
T'envio un petó enorme i una forta abraçada!
Kisses and hugs!
Hola tothom!
ResponEliminaSóc la Carla m'agradat molt la activitat i he aconseguit el meu diploma!!
Una abraçada a tots i totes.
Hello Carla!
EliminaI'm happy you enjoyed the activity!
You got the diploma thanks to the work you did at school and also at home, congratulations!
M'alegro que t'hagi agradat l'activitat! Si has aconseguit el diploma, ha estat gràcies al teu treball a l'escola i a casa, enhorabona!
T'envio un petó enorme i una forta abraçada!
Kisses and hugs!
Hola Carmina, he vist tots els vídeos i fet les activitats, tot i que en alguna tènia dubtes, al final les he acabat encertat.
Hello Adrià!
EliminaWell done!
You have been working hard!
A big hug