Hello everybody!
Easter is almost here so this week we propose stories, songs and games related to this topic.
You also have a kahoot to play, and we encourage you to tell us in the comments how many points you got!
Enjoy it!
Carmina and Irene
Hola a tothom!
La Pasqua està gairebé aquí així que aquesta setmana us proposem contes, cançons i jocs relacionats amb aquest tema.
A 2n també us hem preparat un kahoot per a què hi jugueu i us animem a què als comentaris ens digueu quina puntuació heu aconseguit!
Carmina i Irene
Hola, Soy Pol Lasa.
ResponEliminaMe he divertido mucho haciendo el kahoot. He quedado primero y he sacado 11633 puntos!
Animaos tod@s a hacerlo, está guay!!.
Saludos a tod@s!
Hola Pol!
EliminaMe alegra mucho que te haya gustado el kahoot!
Has conseguido una puntuación buenísima, enhorabuena!
Hello Pol!
I'm so happy you liked kahoot!
You got a fantastic score, congratulations!
ResponEliminaI'm Alba. The game is very funny.
I got 9775 points.
Kisses and see you !!!
Hi Alba, how are you?
EliminaYou got a great score, fantastic!
I send you a big hug, see you soon!
ResponEliminaI'm jordi
I made 9779 points.
Hi Jordi!
EliminaWow!! You got a great score, well done!!
Hugs and kisses!
Hello! Soc el Biel Perez! M'ha agradat molt el joc.
ResponEliminaUna abraçada!!!
Hola Biel, com estàs?
EliminaM'alegro molt que t'hagi agradat el joc, fins aviat!!
Hi Biel, how are you?
I'm glad you liked the kahoot, see you soon!!
ResponEliminaI am Guillem and this Kahoot is so funny!
My score is 12865
See you soon teacher and friends!
Hi Guillem!
EliminaWow!! What a fantastic score you got!! Well done !!
See you soon!
Bye bye!
Hello, I.m Adrián.
ResponEliminaThis kahoot is very funny.
No recordo els punts... Pero he quedat el número 12!!!
Kisses for all.
Hi Adrian!
EliminaI'm happy you liked the kahoot!
Don't worry about the score, the most important thing is you enjoyed it!
See you soon!
A big hug for you!
Hola Adrià!
Que bé que t'hagi agradat el joc!
No et preocupis, l'important és que t'ho hagis passat bé, la puntuació és el menys important.
Fins aviat!
Una abraçada!
Hello I' Jana!!!
ResponEliminaM' han agradat molt els videos i al kahoot he fet 8707, he fallat alguna...
I miss you, kisses!!!
Hi Jana!
EliminaHow are you? I'm happy you've liked the videos and that you've got a good score in the kahoot. Don't worry about the ones you failed!
I miss you too! A big hug!
Hola Jana!
Com estàs? Estic contenta que t'hagin agradat els vídeos.
A més, has tret bona puntuació, no et preocupis per les que hagis fallat.
Jo també et trobo a faltar! Una forta abraçada!
Hello, I'm Aarón Mejías. I really liked kahoot.
ResponEliminaHe fallat una paraula i he tret un 10.326. Em poso molt nerviós amb aquest joc, però m'agrada molt.
El video del ous m'ha agradat, però m'ha costat molt entendre.
Abraçades per a tots. Aarón
Hi Aarón!
EliminaI'm very happy you liked the kahoot so much. Dont' worry about the answer you failed, you got a very good score!
The Great Egg Hunt video can be a little bit difficult but I'm sure that the images have helped you to undersantd more or less the story.
I send you a big hug!
Hola Aarón!
Estic molt contenta que t'hagi agradat tant el kahoot. No et preocupis per la paraula que has fallat, has tret molt bona puntuació!
El vídeo de "Great Egg Hunt" pot ser una mica difícil d'entendre però estic segura que les imatges t'han ajudat a comprendre el missatge global del conte.
T'envio una forta abraçada!
Hello.I'm Biel Volta
ResponEliminaI really liked the game.
My score is 10.209
I miss you.Kisses
Hello Biel!
EliminaI'm really happy because you liked the kahoot and also because you got a great score.
I miss you too, and I hope to see you again soon.
A big hug for you!
Hello, I'm Eladi.
ResponEliminaThis activitis are very funny.
Kisses for all.
Hello Eladi!
EliminaHow are you? I'm very happy because I've seen that you have played the kahoot.
Well done!
Kisses and a big hug for you!
Hello Eladi!
EliminaI'm happy you liked the activities!
Have a nice Easter!
ResponEliminaI am Gerard
13158 points
I am very happy
Hi Gerard!
EliminaI'm also very happy because you liked kahoot. You got a fantastic score, congratulations!! Well done!
Hello Irene!
ResponEliminaI am David.
I really liked it!
Hello David!
EliminaI'm really happy because you liked the kahoot and the activities.
Hugs and kisses for you!
Hello Carmina!! I'm Ares.
ResponEliminaHow are you? I'm fine.
M'han agradat molts els videos i ai fet un ou.
Goodbye!! Kisses!
ResponEliminaSoc el Martí Estopà.
Els vídeos son molt xulos.Sobretot els animals de granja...
ResponEliminaSoc el Martí Estopà.
Els vídeos son molt xulos.Sobretot els animals de granja...